marți, 29 aprilie 2008

Dieta cu Mere

de Florin Drx

- dureaza intre 4 si 6 saptamani (in functie de kilogramele pe care vreti sa le debarasati)

- se consuma intre 1 kg si 1kg jumatate de mere, pe zi

- se consuma intre mese

- mesele pot fi alcatuite din meniul obisnuit

-reduceti grasimile, zaharul si sarurile, deserturile si mai ales, nu mancati la nici o masa in exces, pentru a lasa loc merelor

- cina nu poate fi luata dupa ora 18

- de preferat ar fi putina miscare dupa ultima masa (se poate incepe cu un kilometru mers pe jos, la pas, si macar o data la 3 zile se mai adauga 500 de metri la distanta initiala)


p.s. anuntati-ma daca a functionat si la voi.

luni, 28 aprilie 2008

Healthy Diet

What's a healthy weight-loss diet?

Dr Toni Steer
Dr Susan Jebb

To maintain good health, we need to eat a variety of foods from the five food groups. Eating them in the right proportion will help to keep your weight under control.

A sensible rate of weight loss is around 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week. To achieve this, you need an energy deficit of 3,500kcal to 7,000kcal a week, which means eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day.

You can do this by replacing high-fat foods with those that are low in fat such as fruit, vegetables, unrefined carbohydrates and lower-fat dairy products, and by being more physically active.

It's also important to watch the size of your portions. This can be difficult, because over time you can lose touch with what's a sensible amount of food.

Meat, fish and alternatives
Meat, fish, eggs and alternatives, such as beans and lentils, provide protein, which is essential for growth and repair. These protein-rich foods, meat in particular, are also good sources of iron, selenium, zinc and B vitamins.

Lean sources of protein can also help to curb your appetite. To help reduce the calories you get from fat, remove the skin from chicken, cut off obvious bits of fat from lamb, pork and beef, and use minimum oil for cooking.

Aim to eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, sardines or trout.

You should have two portions of protein-rich foods every day. A portion is equivalent to:

Meat and fish the size of a pack of playing cards
Two eggs
Four tablespoons of lentils or beans

Bread, cereals and potatoes
Starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, potatoes, rice and breakfast cereals, provide us with energy and other nutrients, including iron and B vitamins.

Starchy foods should make up about a third of your total daily energy intake.

Choose unrefined types that are higher in fibre. They'll make you feel full for longer and help to control hunger.

A balanced diet should contain about five portions of starchy foods each day. A portion is equivalent to:

Three tablespoons of breakfast cereal
One large slice of bread
One chapatti
Three heaped tablespoons of pasta
Two egg-size potatoes
Two heaped tablespoons of rice

Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, and contain many other compounds associated with good health.

Everyone should aim to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in their diet.

Because fruit and vegetables are bulky and contain a lot of water, they can help to control your calorie intake. Aim for at least five portions a day.

A portion weighs about 80g and can include fresh, canned, frozen and dried fruit and vegetables. A portion is equivalent to:

Two large tablespoons of vegetables, such as peas, carrots, swede or broccoli
Whole fruits, such as one apple, one orange, one pear
A handful of grapes
Two tablespoons of strawberries or raspberries
One small glass of fruit juice
A handful of dried fruit

Milk and dairy foods
Foods such as cheese, yoghurt and fromage frais are an important source of calcium as well as providing protein and vitamins. Choose low-fat or reduced-fat versions to reduce the amount of calories in your diet.

Aim for around three portions of dairy foods a day. A portion is equivalent to:

A medium-size glass of milk
A small pot of yoghurt
A small matchbox-sized piece of cheese

Foods containing fat and/or sugar
Fatty and sugary foods, such as crisps, spreads, oils, creamy dressings, sweets, cakes, biscuits and chocolate, and sugar-rich drinks, including alcohol, are high in calories but relatively low in nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Eating healthily means including foods that are packed with nutrients rather than packed with energy.

You should reduce your intake of these foods as much as possible. You can do this by:

Swapping sugary and fatty snacks for fruit, diet yoghurt or a slice of wholemeal toast with reduced-fat spread
Choosing water, reduced-fat milk or low-calorie drinks instead of sugar-rich drinks
Using only a scraping of spread on your bread and using an oil spray to limit fat when cooking

Alcohol contains around 7 kcal per gram. As well as adding calories to your diet, it can stimulate the appetite and weaken your healthy eating intentions.

For more advice on cutting calories, see How to lose weight.

A word about salt
On average, we eat over 50 per cent more salt than the recommended level and more than twice the amount we actually need.

We've become used to eating foods containing salt, so reducing the amount we consume often means adjusting our palates.

A lot of salt comes from processed foods, so look for low-salt varieties and check the salt content on the label. You can also cut salt by:

Preparing foods from fresh ingredients as much as possible
Avoiding salty snacks, such as crisps and salted nuts
Choosing 'unsalted', 'no added salt' or 'reduced salt' foods

miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008

Living longer?

from BBC

How long can we expect to live these days?
Life expectancy has increased by one to two years in men and women every ten years. We're now living longer, and not just longer but also healthier lives. We still experience periods of ill health and dependency before death - that hasn’t changed – it’s just that now it happens later.

Why are we living longer?
There are two main reasons. The first is better healthcare treatment and the successful battle against infectious diseases. Vaccination programmes made a huge difference to combating diseases such as diphtheria, TB and smallpox. The second factor is a higher standard of living - for example, improved childhood and maternal nutrition and higher quality housing. We've also managed to improve healthcare for older people. A lot of money is now spent on older people, treating cancers, mental health and heart disease, which has brought down death rates.
What are the most important things we can do to live longer?
Increasing your life expectancy is about looking at your life and asking what you can do to make yourself happier? Often this is down to taking control, sometimes through physical activity or healthy eating. This then leads a person to feel more in control and starts them thinking about their health behaviour. People will revert to unhealthy behaviour unless they look at their entire life.

Do we underestimate the importance of other lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress?
I think we can do. Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it's about controlling it. If your life's out of control and you can't do anything about it then that can lead to things like road rage. This kind of stress can increase your risk of heart attacks, violent behaviour and depression, but stress can also be an important natural state. Basic ageing is about damage versus repair. We repair our body through sleep so it’s important to get seven to eight hours of high-quality sleep each night. The body's repair mechanisms can be knocked out by smoking, which affects every cell in the body, diminishing its ability to repair. Similarly, if we drink too much we don’t sleep properly and this doesn’t give the body a chance to recover.

How do you calculate a person's biological age?
If you're interested in your biological age, there are five main areas you can consider to see if you're living a healthy lifestyle: emotional wellbeing, social networks, nutrition, physical activity and risky behaviours.
Try our online quiz to see how you rate and whether you need to make any lifestyle changes.

What steps can parents take to ensure children live a healthy life?
Happy, well-nurtured children tend to receive the emotional support that helps them adopt a healthy lifestyle. We need to be responsive to their emotional needs. It’s also important they learn about healthy eating and exercise. The five-a-day programme is good for children because they can make their own choices. If you say: “Eat your greens, they’re good for you”, they probably won’t. If you let them know five a day is good, but that they can choose what they have, that's more appealing.

What do you say to someone who says it’s too late to change their habits?
The biggest benefits of changing your behaviours come later in life. Of course, we should try to improve our health as early as possible, but it’s never too late. In old age a small difference can affect a person’s independence - something we call the 'fitness gap'. In fact people aged over 60 tend to be most successful in giving up smoking.

What are the main things people worry about as they get older?
The two main concerns are money and health. Money-wise, it’s personal finance and how that may affect their wellbeing. People also worry about their health, particularly losing their independence and becoming a burden on friends and family - it’s an altruistic concern.

joi, 17 aprilie 2008

bancul zilei:

un nebun se certa pe strada cu doi invizibili:

- numa unu',? ... vino-ncoa!